Slipping The Surly Bonds
The Air Up There

Here are the real book versions of my award-winning website. And unlike the Internet, the books can be taken anywhere, read anytime, and given as presents. First printed in 1998 was Slipping The Surly Bonds: Great Quotations on Flight which was later followed by — due to public demand as they say — an all-new second volume The Air Up There: More Great Quotations on Flight.

Slipping The Surly Bonds is the coffee-table, Christmas and birthday gift aviation fans have been looking for … better buy a few copies of this book: one to keep … the others to give away.

— Aviation International News magazine

Both books can be purchased online at a discount via (this link takes you straight to the first volume) and Barnes and Noble (this link too), or ordered from any regular bookstore.

His volume of compelling words on flight is called
Slipping The Surly Bonds, and surly it is not.
Entertaining and quickly gratifying it is.

— Business & Commercial Aviation magazine


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